Top 15 Features Your Landing Page Should Have

For all your efforts in the Google Ad campaign or social media, if such actions lead to an ineffective landing page lacking in conversions, the investment that you are making is useless. Landing page remains the page where the potential customers land after clicking on an ad that you make or shows in the search result. The landing page is highly important for making or breaking the strategies for lead acquisitions, and it is, therefore, crucial to select a capable web design company like Creaa Designs for creating your landing page.

Creaa Designs, the leading website development company, Can Boost Conversion with Right Landing Pages

Landing page remains the best way for boosting conversions and generating leads and sends your visitors directly to the opt-in offer or lead. The home page of a website comes for many purposes. The purpose of a landing page is focused to achieve a single objective, and that is capturing the information of visitors through the lead-capture form.

A landing page is used differently by different brands, and in some cases, the landing page is used to direct either to the product page or home page or even contact us page. Certain brands use the landing page for launching some specific campaigns and the main purpose of landing page remains to convert the entire website in one page for ensuring conversions. Creaa Designs, with profuse experience in building highly successful landing pages, can undoubtedly be your best choice for developing an effective landing page.

How Creaa Designsthe Best website designers in Mumbai, Can Help to Make Effective Landing Page?

Creating effective landing pages that can convert the prospects to customers may seem easy, but in reality, the task is very difficult. The minute details provided in the landing pages can make a huge difference in the conversions rates. Creaa Designs, the leading web development company in Mumbai, is expert in building excellent landing pages that come with rich features as follows:

  • Simple Navigation: It s essential to keep the navigation of a landing page very simple by only keeping the most important content visible immediately as the website opens. All unnecessary images, links that are not relevant to an offer need to be removed. A single-click system for sign-up on a landing page can be excellent to offer the visitors an easy way of navigation and can help to increase conversions.
  • Right Choice of Typography: A professional web designer like Creaa Designs knows how to make the best use oftypography and make the right choice of font, kerning, size, spacing, and tracking. Such careful selection and use of typography are essential to make content comprehensive and enjoyable to a reader. With the help of a well-formatted copy made with the correct choice of typography, no extra effort is required to read the content.
  • Right Use of Color Psychology: The use of color is very important to optimize a landing page as color can trigger the emotions very easily. The right choice of color is essential for improving brand recognition as well as the appearance of the products. A customer can be influenced very quickly with the use of the right color in the right place and color can help to make personal communication for a brand.
  • Use Relevant Statistics: To grab the attention of the prospects, displaying facts and figures is very effective. A creative website designer like Creaa Designs can make use of important statistics in the landing pages that can improve the curiosity of the prospects and increase the chances of conversions.
  • Creation of Compelling Copy: Use of crisp and clean language can convey the value of an offer quickly and clearly. Compelling landing pages can be designed by listing the benefits that a customer can get by signing in or by downloading the resources available on the landing page. Further, compelling headlines on a landing page can convey the offers concisely as well as clearly and increase the chances of click-through for reading the copy.
  • Mobile Viewing Optimization: Success in the online world is only possible with a responsive web design that can fit in any screen size easily and provide a pleasurable viewing experience for the visitors. With such mobile-friendly initiatives in the landing pages, it can be easier to get a lot of traffic as well as improving conversions.
  • SEO Optimization: Unless there is improved visibility of the landing page, all efforts made for developing an attractive landing page will go in vain. We at Creaa Designs, a reputed web design company in mumbai, are well-experienced in SEO strategy implementation and can create SEO friendly landing pages that boost the ranking in SERPs.
  • Addition of Images: Images are extremely important to make the landing page visually appealing and displaying smiling faces of customers or the team can make the landing page more meaningful. Images of real people can help to yield better results than using stock photos and improve conversions.
  • Addition of Videos: Further, videos can increase the trust factor when included on the landing page. Videos can connect better with the viewers and can be an excellent way to communicate about the benefits of the services or the products.
  • Customer Testimonials: Potential customers can derive a lot of confidence when you share the positive views of the existing customers. Such testimonials can act as authentic social proof and increase conversions.
  • Social Sharing Buttons: The visibility of your landing page can vastly improve when you put a few social share buttons on your landing page.
  • Trust Symbols: Good landing pages always display trust symbols like the accolades or awards and relevant credentials that can promote the brand.
  • Contact Information: You can gain more trust in visitors when you display your contact information clearly and you can even include a Google map that indicates the exact location of your company.
  • Include Effective CTAs: You may also try to use different types of CTAs than conventional ones that can improve conversions also.
  • A/B testing: The two variants A and B can be very effective to test the subjects’ response of one variant against the other and helps to determine the effective variant. Ensure that A/B testing is carried out for the landing page so that elements can be optimized that improve the chances of getting better conversions.

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