What is Responsive Design and Why Does My Site Need it?

There is a huge rise in the use of mobile devices in recent times. Smartphones and tablets are now more capable than desktops for performing various tasks. It is essential now engaging web designers in Mumbai like Creaa Designs to make a responsive web design for you. 

People spend around 3 to 4 hours a day engaging with digital media on smartphones or tablets. From surfing on the internet, checking emails, connecting on social media, online shopping, etc, everything people now do with mobile devices. With this shift in the behavior of consumers, it is not enough to have a website that works from desktop only. 

With the rapid increase in mobile devices, you need to make web design optimized for mobiles. It will be a huge mistake if you do not design your site to adjust to different mobile devices. With a responsive design, you can help the users to have a good viewing experience across all screen sizes.


Responsive web design is an approach for web design to meet seamless UX experience in all devices. It can allow the sites and the pages to display in all devices and all screen sizes by adjusting automatically. Whether your visitors are seeing the sites in desktop, or tablets or smartphones, responsive web design can adapt everywhere seamlessly.

A responsive design suggests that development and design should respond to the environment and behavior of users. The response should be fitting with the platform, screen size, and orientation of devices that users use. Creaa Designs, the Best website designers in mumbai can build a very good responsive website for you. 

The practice of making responsive website design involves a mix of layouts and flexible grids. It also involves the use of images and intelligent use of CSS media queries. The website should change automatically as a user switches from desktop to mobile devices.

The website should fit the image size, resolution and scripting abilities as per different screen sizes. Responsive web design works through CSS and uses various settings to meet the style properties. The media queries and viewport are a few examples of the CSS properties of responsive design. 


Access of websites is no longer limited to desktops or laptops where the size of monitors is almost the same. Now, general people approach websites from different types of devices. The screen size may vary from few inches to 27” or more and the expectations of people are now different. Consumers now want those websites should make what devices they are using to access the websites. 

In the market, there are now various types of devices and each has its unique expectation. A responsive site should be able to adjust as per the user’s need and should prove the best user experience. A good web design company like Creaa Designs knows the art of making a good responsive web design very well.


Access of websites is no longer limited to desktops or laptops where the size of monitors is almost the same. Now, general people approach websites from different types of devices. The screen size may vary from few inches to 27” or more and the expectations of people are now different. Consumers now want those websites should make what devices they are using to access the websites. 

In the market, there are now various types of devices and each has its unique expectation. A responsive site should be able to adjust as per the user’s need and should prove the best user experience. A good web design company like Creaa Designs knows the art of making a good responsive web design very well.


Any company whether small or big, need a responsive web design to get success online. Users like the responsive design that gives a seamless user experience to them across all devices. Further, as per Google, websites need to be mobile-friendly which means responsive websites will appear higher in search results.

However, a website that is friendly in mobiles may have some glitches when viewed in higher resolution devices. It can be difficult to navigate with such type of design while a responsive web design can help to adopt in any size of the screen easily. You need to hire Creaa Designs, a very good website development company for making responsive design for your website.  

Here, you can find the benefits that your business can get with the responsive design of the website.

Increase in traffic from the use of mobiles: In earlier cases of web design, the business did have two versions of the design. One design was for use in desktop and the other was for mobile users. It is difficult to maintain two different types of web design for a business.

Now it has become easy to retain mobile viewers with one responsive web design that can work in any device. People also can remember you and will like to visit your site again and again. It becomes easy to search your products and services from any device and it increases traffic to your site.

It will lead to lower cost of site maintenance: Responsive sites offer you a lower cost of maintenance than running two websites. Also, it takes less time to set up one design and it becomes easier to maintain also. It can free up more time to you to focus on other crucial work for your business.

A seamless UX: One of the most important benefits that you can get is the satisfaction of the users. With a design that is not responsive, your site may appear distorted in mobile devices. It may be good for your desktop viewers, but you may lose a large number of mobile viewers.

In the case of normal website designs, the images may not align, text may look jumbled. The users may have to scroll through many pages to search for a piece of information. It can be a pain for your users and it can take a lot of time.

With such an experience, it may not be easy to get the users back to your site again. So, it is better to evaluate the quality of your site to have a feel of what you need to do. The benefits that you get with responsive web design, in the long run, can outweigh the investment at the start.

Better conversion rates: When you create a good user experience across all devices, you can have more customers at your site. With a single web design that works on all devices, users will love to navigate and will start liking your business more. It will be good for your business to build a responsive website with Creaa Designsweb design company in Mumbai. 

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