Do Small Businesses Need a Mobile-Friendly Website?

Creaa Designs

In the last few years, the usage of mobile devices has been increased exponentially and impacted many areas and aspects of our lives. Nowadays maximum users are accessing the internet and web just through their mobile devices or tabs and the number is continuously growing every day.

This is the reason due to which small, medium, or large size of businesses cannot avoid mobile marketing if they want to grow. Responsive web designs make it makes the websites mobile-friendly. Here through this article, we are going to discuss, why small businesses need responsive website designs.

Why Make Website Mobile-Friendly?

The websites can be accessed through mobile, tabs, and computer systems. The reason to make the website mobile friendly are:

  1. Improved Search Engine Ranking

Since 2015 Google is showing favor to mobile-friendly websites. The sites with a presence on mobile devices rank higher on Google than those that do not have mobile-friendly designs. Moreover, Google also offers mobile-first indexing.

2. Better Reach to Target Customers

The websites that are designed only for computers and not for mobiles do not look proper if they are accessed through mobile. These sites can be accessed easily without making adjustments. The websites that are designed only for desktop do not look good on mobile devices.

So, businesses that do not have mobile-friendly designs can put their business at risk. Even it has been predicted that the businesses that will not give a good experience to their customers may lose them in the future.

3. Over 1 Billion Mobile Users WorldWide

Which business would not like to reach to billion users? Whatever marketing strategies you have been following so far, but now the main factor is to drive maximum traffic on your site due to increased competition. The site must look properly on the smartphones of customers.

4. Better UX Experience on Mobile Devices

One more important factor is better and actual user experience. Every mobile user has a different interest and if they will come to know that your website is not mobile-friendly, then they will not stay for long. They will hit the back button very soon.

This surely affects Google’s ranking as Google does not rank such sites higher. This act is known as “bounce rate”. As per this people just come in and go back from the site. This leaves a black mark on the site even.

5. More Mobile Shoppers/Viewers

Due to the high demand and availability of mobile phones/devices, the number of mobile shoppers and buyers has also increased a lot. As per surveys 1/3 of all purchases are made online through mobile phones. This is also true at the same time that people or users are avoiding to go to market on occasions like “Black Friday”, they prefer to shop online.

During the pandemic, even the percentage of mobile shoppers has been increased a lot.

But at the same time, you should also consider the fact that mobile users are quite finicky. If your site will not give a good experience to your users, then they may quickly leave it and press the back button or leave the site.

6. Non-mobile-friendly Competitors

It means that if your friends are not providing mobile-friendly sites, then you can get a competitive advantage. The studies have proved the fact. The popular and commonly known businesses like commercial cleaning, telemarketing, accountancy, and others with mobile-friendly sites rank higher.

However, among all the service providers only 60% were having mobile-friendly sites. So, if you will design and convert your site to a mobile-friendly site, then surely you are going to get the advantage of this.

Where you can get the Help?

Any reputed and experienced website development company can provide you complete assistance for mobile web development. You can ask other business owners as well for recommendations. There are many vendors in the market that provide this service that too cost-effectively. Call and hire the expert of responsive website developers like that of creaadesigns to get mobile-friendly website.

Final Words

It will not be right to say that mobile is the future of the world because the future is already here. Mobile devices are going to be the dominant platform for every business owner. If you want to attract new customers and boost your web presence, then they are going to be the best platforms.

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