What Is the Difference Between Web Design and Web Development?

Both web design and web development go hand in hand in the creation and maintenance of websites. There is a lifelong debate as to whether both the terms are interchangeable or not. Even many designers or developers in their formative stages are confused regarding the distinction between the two. You need to delve deeper into the realm of the World Wide Web (WWW)to realize that the terms do not really convey the same thing. There are stark differences between the two. Although their end goals are similar, i.e. production of websites, their roles and methodology are quite different. Both demand unique skill sets as they are two varied aspects of the website creation process

In essence, web design is a subset of web development. Web development is broader in scope. Web design is concerned with the visual appeal of a website– the aesthetic aspect including web usability. Website development is concerned with using that design and turning it into a fully functional website with the help of different programming languages and the art of coding. 

All about Web Design by Web Design Companies

Web design denotes the look and feel of a website. Web designers are in charge of looking after the visual aesthetics of your website. They design the layout of the website using advanced designing tools like Adobe Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Framer, Panic Coda, Coreldraw, etc. It requires professional expertise to mold an idea or story into an attractive design and interface in accordance with the needs of the clients. Therefore, the web design company must have quality designers in place who are adept at information architecture and visual design. An aesthetically appealing front-end design provides an enriching user experience that helps establish brand value.

Apart from the creative exercise, web designers need prior knowledge of programming as well. They also avail of markup computer languages like Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Additionally, sometimes, web designers also use markup validators to examine whether their websites are in sync with web accessibility guidelines. 

The creation of websites takes time. There is a conspicuous gap between ideating a thought and then transforming it into an interactive design and interface. Thus, proper strategizing must take place from the beginning with the main focus being the client’s profile and objectives. First, the rough sketching takes place. From then on, designers move to website wireframes and after deciding on the layout and the design, they move to the final design. 

All About Web Development by Web Development Companies

A web developer works on the groundwork laid by the web designer. Developers are the ones who are responsible for assembling all the designs and turning them into a functional website. The skeletal structure formed by the designers receives much-needed flesh and sinew in the hands of web developers. Without a great design, a web developer’s work becomes difficult. Therefore, they kind of depend on web designers to provide them with the best possible designs. Web developers immerse in more technical intricacies as they deal with coding and writing markup languages like JavaScript, JQuery, CSS, etc. They are responsible for optimizing the website and maintaining it.

Types of Developers that work on your website development

To construct the website’s core structure, web developers need a fruitful collaboration with the designers. The roles of a web developer are categorized into 3 segments– back-end developer, front-end developer, and full-stack developer. 

A back-end developer is responsible for coding and controlling server requests and data. Front-end developers create the actual interface and build a full-fledged website. They are also the linking strand between web designers and back-end developers. A website development company also houses a third type called a full-stack developer who is an expert on both front-end and back-end issues and thugs work on stacks on both ends. 

Which web designing company in Mumbai should you rely on?

It is important to find the right web designer who can transform your product into an attractive visual language. You need a professional expert to get the perfect website that will have a high conversion rate. A web designer dabbles with a lot of decisions. He has to decide the color choices, text styles, fonts, graphics, animation style, layout, and most of the time interactive features also. Therefore, not only the appearance but web designers must decide how to structure, streamline, and categorize information. The amount and time depend on the extent of customization that you need on your websites. 

In the financial and commercial capital of India, Mumbai; there is no dearth of web designers. The need for a good web design company in Mumbai is ever than before. With start-ups being formed at an exponential speed, everyone needs a scalable, user-friendly, and appealing website. Among the best website designers in Mumbai, Creaa Designs is the most popular among the industry peers when it comes to providing fast-loading and dynamic interactive websites. With more than 13 years in the business, Creaa Designs is the choice of many important clients in Mumbai. 

Unlike others, Creaa Designs offers its services at a very affordable and feasible cost. Development is a complex phase that requires patience and time. Creaa Designs have the best in-house developers who ensure quality websites. They believe in obsessive testing to provide you with websites without any glitches or errors. 

A professional web design company like Creaa Designs can give you a simple website without cluttering it with too many design items and features. Not only an intuitive and user-friendly website, but a technical glitch-free website is very necessary to impress customers and users. Creaa Designs is noted for its quality SEO-optimized websites and its versatility in dealing with several types of web design and development solutions. 

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